Adventures of a Stupid Nature

I pull into the Chevron across from the Big Target in Walnut Creek. I fish out my debit card from my purse and hop out of the car. 

The door shuts with a decisive snap. 

And then it hits me. 

"Aw, shit!" I say, reaching for the handle.  Locked. "Where are my keys!"

I have my debit card, so I start the pump on the car. 

I head into the gas station mini mart, where there is a nice Asian gal behind the counter. She lends me the phone so I can call a locksmith. But it's 5:05 and my dumb guy at my locksmith that I use all the time has closed up shop for the day. 

Another guy walks into the mini mart. Half joking I say to him, "Know how to break into a car?"

"No, why?" he asks. 

Sheepishly, I explain my problem. 

"How about Triple A?" he asks. "You could call them."

DUH. I had forgotten all about AAA in my freaking out. I have had AAA for just a couple of months, too. But of course – my card is in my purse, which is in the locked car. 

I call my dad, who has a card. He laughs at me. 

But he gives me the AAA number and the member number. 

AAA dispatches North Main Tow to my aid. "Are you in a safe place?" the lady asks while I'm still on the line. 

I look at the friendly face of the girl behind the counter, and the yuppie workers filling up their tanks as rush hour starts to hit. "Yeah," I tell her. I feel bad that I'm hogging a space in the gas station, so I buy a soda and M&Ms to tide myself over. Hey, if you're stranded with your debit card, you may as well use it, right?

I didn't have to wait long for the guy to show up in his yellow truck. 

He has several tools to try to open the door. One is a long, bendable piece of metal that after wedging open the car door a bit, he is able to stick into the car. 

"Where are your keys?" he asks as he fiddles with the lock. The lock is designed in such a way that it's not conducive to opening with his tools – not the bendy wire thing, or the slim jim. 

I actually have no idea. I thought I had left them in the ignition, but they are definitely not there. I don't see them on the seat or the floor either. "I think they're in my purse," I finally decide. It's the only place they could be – I certainly didn't have them right after I turned off the car and locked myself out, now did I? But I had been messing around in my purse when I got my debit card out of my wallet, so that was where it had to be.

The guy messes around with the car for some time before giving up. Piker.

He calls another guy from the tow company and then that guy shows up as the first guy is leaving. Lu is a big burly Samoan and gets down to business. I say to him, "That's the window we'll break when this doesn't work."

He grins. "Well, look around for a rock!"

The first guy had started to try to roll down the window to get to the lock.  Lu manages to get his bendy tool to get the window starting to roll down, and within a couple of minutes he was able to reach in and unlock the car. 

Lu, you are my hero, man. 

I grab my purse and fish around in it for a terrifying five seconds before I find my keys nestled nicely at the bottom. "SWEET BABY JESUS!" I bellow, ladylike. 

Lu needs me to sign off on the AAA paperwork, and tells me that it would have been around $75 if I didn't have AAA. 

"I would have paid it!" I tell him, not caring at that moment how much money it would have taken to get back into my car. 

So, to recap: it took two knowledgable tow truck/car guys/AAA dudes, eight different tools (between the two guys) and an hour to get into my car. 

If there is any doubt that I plan on ditching this car – but getting a new one without autolocks and such (I don't think that they would have been able to get into a similar car without manual windows), I certainly made up my mind tonight.

Car, we're through.

3 Replies to “Adventures of a Stupid Nature”

  1. ACK!!! I once did this in my own stupid driveway after I had given one of my boys the keys and shut the door : ( . I never made that mistae again. Nothing worse then putting your kids in car seats then locking them into the car : P…..

  2. That's crazy, brother in law is a locksmith, some cars he can get into in about 2 secs, others take a little longer.  Haven't seen one yet that he cant get into, glad you got into yours ok. 😀

  3. I’m embarrassed to admit how many times this has happened to me. Twice with the car running. More without. It’s a lot of math.

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