On January 2, mere hours after I'd driven 360 miles home from LA, I came down with a bad cold, and as of today (January 31st), I've still got it! UGH.

I haven't been sick in ages. I had some quick-moving virus thing in November when I had a fever during our last week of budgets, but I managed to get better pretty quick from that (3 days, I think). The spring of 2011 I was sick for months, though, so I guess I'm about due. I remember after Jason died, after being healthy for so long (because if we gave him a cold, it could have turned into pneumonia and killed him), my immune system went totally kaput and I was basically sick from January through April that year, culminating in a fabulous three week flu and I haven't been that sick since. 

However, I'm finally on the mend after a full month of being sick – I had two colds, back to back, and am halfway through my second bottle of Nyquil. HURRAY. My favorite part of this whole thing was A) coughing so much/hard I threw up and B) just when I thought I was getting better from the first cold (two weeks ago) I came down with a fever and vertigo and missed a day of work with the onset of the second cold. HURRAY. 

Anyway, that is pretty much the reason why I haven't been good at updating this here blog, as I wanted to update at least once a week, but man, I've been pretty out of it. I mean, I've been so out of it that I haven't even seen the Hobbit yet

And that is just sad. 

But anyway, so before I got sick (or, haha, while I was getting sick) I was down in LA for New Years with Sarah, Bill, Sam, Malvina, and Bill's friends Dana and Jimmy. We had a delicious spread of appetizers and played an epic game of Cards Against Humanity (like Apples to Apples for horrible depraved people… it's pretty much AMAZING and hilarious)

(You motherfucking sorcerers!)

and I also made a trip down into HOLLYWOOD where I never go when I'm down there but I heard about this huge Walgreens that opened up at Sunset and Vine where a Borders used to be and I was like, let's go there! So Malvina and Sam tagged along for this trip and Malvina and I spent some time looking at the high end products they have there in the special Look Boutique or whatever and we also indulged at the juice bar and took a look at the froyo counter and sushi bar.

It's a pretty amazing Walgreen's, is what I'm saying. They're supposed to be opening up a similar flagship store in my neck of the woods (San Francisco) this year around summer time so maybe I'll have to make a special trip over there and also check out the Fluevog store and actually buy something this time.

Anyway, so then I went home, got sick, was sick for the rest of my vacation and most of the next week till I finally felt better enough to join Sarah at EJ Phairs in Concord for a cover band fronted by one of her choir buddies from high school. I am definitely sure that kid did not remember me from high school, but whatever. It was a nice evening hanging out with Sarah and another friend, Kirsten, sans kids. Sarah doesn't get up here that often so it's nice to see her any time she does manage to make it to the Bay. 

That following Wednesday I got Round 2 of the cold/flu. I woke up around 6 am and was extremely hot and sweaty, and considering my house is like 61 degrees at night, this was not good. When I tried to get up, I had a terrible case of vertigo and could barely make it down the hall to the den, where I logged into my work email and was like, "um… not coming in today, I am sick and can't even walk let alone drive." Back to bed for me until noon, till I dragged myself back into the den for an afternoon of crime shows, which would have been more fun if I didn't have that epic vertigo! Suck! Made it back into the office the next day, but man, I was pretty wiped. 

That weekend I managed to make it out to the reservoir with my dad for a walk (our slowest walk ever, haha!), and he disinvited me to Sunday dinner, based upon the amount of coughing I was doing and the presence of my grandma. It was actually pretty funny the way he said it. He was all, "Were you coming to dinner because… I'm disinviting you." LOL I love my dad. 

Anyway, so that worked out fine (I was not planning on going to dinner anyway) and Malvina came over to bring my sickly self some coffee and we had a nice afternoon just hanging out (and me coughing).  The following week I managed to get through and start feeling better, and last weekend I finally felt good enough to run around and do some errands (err, drive 25 miles to the Brentwood Ulta) and we went to the reservoir again and made better time (not hard considering the crazy long time we did the week before, hah), and I did manage to get to my parents' house for dinner, yay!

So, that's what's been going on with me. It's been a frustrating month to say the least! Can't wait till I'm back at 100%, right now I would say I'm at 80%, which actually is doing not too bad. I wish I had more to report, but this has been a boring month in terms of doing anything! This weekend we finally booked a tea with Malvina and Katie so we're doing that on Saturday and also hitting Ulta in Dublin. 

Ending on a sad note, my cousin R died on Monday and we have the viewing tomorrow night. He wasn't very old, and I didn't see him very often, but he was a good guy and I'm going to miss him. 


  1. Holy crap!  You're STILL getting over this series of colds?  Feel better!  

    Also, so sorry to hear about your cousin =o(

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