Tea(pot) Time

So, I guess I’m now a person who Goes To Tea.

I’ve gone to a few teas in the past year and next weekend we’re going to my sister’s house for a non-$30/person tea and it sounds like it will be fun! Since that’s the Mexican side of the family, everything is skewing south-of-the-border (I may wear one of my Mexican peasant blouses to keep it real, haha). Any tea that involves taquitos is an okay tea in my book. I still need to go get some tea to bring, and I looked at Cost Plus but nothing jumped out at me. I will likely make a stop at Teavana at the mall, or maybe even look at Peet’s.

A couple weeks ago (Feb 2), I met up with Malvina and Katie at the French Bakery in Lafayette where we enjoyed a high tea. Not quite up to par with Lovejoy’s, but still nice. (After the tea Malv and I went to Ulta where we each purchased one of the new Urban Decay Oz palettes – and a week later both simultaneously emailed each other about how much we loved them, lol.)

One of the things that is fun about going to tea is that everybody gets their own teapot. Generally speaking these are nice and English looking, however me being me, I found the following teapots at Cost Plus and snapped them right up:

DSC04606 DSC04607For those keeping track… yes that means I have two elephant teapots (one’s mostly just for show, though). I have no normal teapots. However, my mom hit the teapot motherlode at a thrift shop and I may try to get my mitts on this cute orange one she found:

DSC00011Super cute, right???

Anyway, any day with Mexican hot chocolate and taquitos is an okay day in my book.

That will be a fun weekend – I’m taking off the Friday to go to Stitches West and maybe buy yarn – definitely want to look at patterns and stuff but I’m not really in the market for anything (not that that’s stopped me before!! LOL). I did see that Cephalopod Yarns (formerly part of the Sanguine Gryphon, my all time fave) and Zen Yarn Garden will be there, so we’ll see what strikes my fancy!

Cashmere, most likely.



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