Fitness Friday: Progress So Far

So, MyFitnessPal tells me I’ve logged in for 30 days straight. In that time, in addition to working on the 30-Day Shred, I’ve lost 9 pounds. WHOOP WHOOP!!

I actually haven’t been at this weight in several years, and while 9 lbs doesn’t seem a lot, it’s the most I’ve ever managed to lose. And I did it in one month. I’m looking forward to future progress!

I got sick last week with kind of a brutal head cold and have had a sore throat for like ten days, it sucks! Not gonna lie, I think was exacerbated by visiting friends who have a short hair cat. I am still allergic to cats, so that was sad. I went into the office Monday morning with no voice to merge a spreadsheet into labels and then was like, “I’m out!” and went home and pretty much slept all day. I’ve spent the rest of the week in zombie mode.

Today I managed to put some makeup on so I guess I’m feeling a little better. I have a work event tomorrow where I have to get up at the crack of dawn and be “on” all day on a Saturday, so here’s hoping there’s copious coffee! There is definitely copious overtime, so that’s cool. The event should be fun and we put a lot of work into it so I hope it goes well!

This week since I feel like roadkill I haven’t kept up with The Shred. I’m disappointed about this, as I only have 6 days to go before I complete it! Hopefully I’ll feel more up to it soon because I want to finish it before I head off on vacation on the 13th. For the most part, I’ve really enjoyed this workout and will definitely be repeating it in the future. But this week is definitely a wash as I feel more like lying down and sleeping. I don’t want to overdo it and be sick for 32 days again like I was in January.

Not that I was counting. :/

I really need a nap.

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