End of the Year Meme

What did you do in 2008 that you’d never done before?

Hiked five miles and lived to tell the tale.

Did you keep your new years’ resolutions and will you make more for next year?

My only goal for this year was to be less negative, and I really think I succeeded in that regard.

Did anyone close to you give birth?

My friend Sarah had her little boy on March 1!

Did anyone close to you die?


What countries did you visit?

Just this one!

What would you like to have in 2009 that you lacked in 2008?

A Wii.

What date from 2008 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?

November 4th! (I frown upon socialism and Chicago politics.)

What was your biggest achievement of the year?

Paid off the credit cards, hiked five miles, bought a house.

What was your biggest failure?

Discovering I had seven cavities! Which happened today. I am still not over it. And pretending that I won’t be spending $1800 fixing them. HOORAY!

Did you suffer illness or injury?

I lost my voice at the beginning of the year due to a spastic cold I had. I only had one really serious migraine (on the day of the primaries here in California – perhaps an omen of things to come?? :P)

What was the best thing you bought?

The loom! And all the yarn!

Whose behavior merited celebration?

I’m trying to think.

Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed?

The Mainstream Media. I will never watch the news or read the newspaper again. I have found alternate sources on the internet. I just want the news to be reported. The spin, bias, and outright lies of the media have negatively affected this nation.

Where did most of your money go?

Credit cards, car payments, and yarn.

What did you get really, really, really excited about?

Stitches, my Texas trip, Big Trees, buying the house (after I finished spazzing)

What song will always remind you of 2008?


Compared to this time last year, are you:

i. happier or sadder? happier!
ii. thinner or fatter? fatter, I think.
iii. richer or poorer? richer! Until I get drilled on. Then I will be poorer!

What do you wish you’d done more of?

I wish I’d been less busy and been able to hang out with friends more. And I wish I’d made more local, single friends. And I wish I’d drawn more.

What do you wish you’d done less of?

Loafing around, guacamole intake. 😉

How will you be spending Christmas?

With my family here in town. Moving into the house.

Did you fall in love?


What was your favourite TV program?

Supernatural and Dexter.

Do you hate anyone now that you didn’t hate this time last year?

I’m a lover, not a hater. (hahaha)

What was the best book you read?

I LURVED the Twilight series, and how crackalactastic it was. However, by FAR the best books I read this year were the first three books of The Sharing Knife (Beguilement, Legacy, and Passage) by Lois McMaster Bujold. They were absolutely fantastic, chronicling the romance between Fawn, a young farmer and older Dag, a Lakewalker. They’re too hard to describe, but if you like strong world building with fantasy elements, you’ll love these. I also enjoyed the new Jim Butcher books, one more for both his Harry Dresden series and his Codex Alera series.

What was your greatest musical discovery?

I can’t remember if Abby discovered Eskobar this year or last year.

What did you want and get?

A loom. A sheep cake.

What did you want and not get?

A Wii.

What was your favorite film of this year?

Probably Iron Man. I didn’t get out to the theater much this year though.

What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?

I went paddle boating on the Reservoir and ate a sheep cake. I was 28.

What one thing would have made your year immeasurably satisfying?

Finally finding a boyfriend? I am not even sure at this juncture how to do that.

How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2008?

Current with a touch of 70’s.

What kept you sane?

My indomitable spirit.

Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?

I went through a brief yet intense Christian Bale period.

What political issue stirred you the most?

You ask this on an election year? I think the treatment of Sarah Palin in the media was appalling.

Who did you miss?

My friends, who pretty much all live far away. 🙁

Who was the best new person you met?

I totally don’t think I met any new people this year. A couple new coworkers, I guess. I need to get out more.

Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2008:

1. Fixing cavities is fucking expensive.
2. Credit cards are bad.
3. Linoleum is cheap.
4. I heart yarn.

Quote a song lyric that sums up your year.

Well, I don’t know about sums up my year (I don’t think there’s a song called “WOOO AWESOME WOO! YEAH!”), but I am very much in love with the new Keane album, particularly the Perfect Symmetry song:

I shake through the wreckage for signs of life
Scrolling through the paragraphs
Clicking through the photographs

I wish I could make sense of what we do
Burning down the capitals
The wisest of the animals

Who are you? What are you living for?
Tooth for tooth, maybe we’ll go one more

This life is lived in perfect symmetry
What I do, that will be done to me

Read page after page of analysis
Looking for the final score
We’re no closer than we were before

Who are you? What are you fighting for?
Holy truth? Brother I choose this mortal life

Lived in perfect symmetry
What I do, that will be done to me
As the needle slips into the run-out groove
Love – maybe you’ll feel it too

And maybe you’ll find life is unkind
And over so soon
There is no golden gate
There’s no heaven waiting for you

Oh boy you ought to leave this town
Get out while you can the meter’s running down
The voices in the streets you love
Everything is better when you hear that sound

Spineless dreamers hide in churches
Pieces of pieces of rush hour buses
I dream in emails, worn-out phrases
Mile after mile of just empty pages

Wrap yourself around me
Wrap yourself around me
As the needle slips into the run-out groove
Maybe you’ll feel it too
Maybe you’ll feel it too
Maybe you’ll feel it too
Maybe you’ll feel it too

Spineless dreamers hide in churches
Pieces of pieces of rush hour buses
I dream in emails, worn-out phrases
Mile after mile of just empty pages

Spineless dreamers hide in churches
Pieces of pieces of rush hour buses

What Have I Done?

Yeah, so since I last posted here, I, um, bought a house. (Well, a manufactured house, but in discussion with my dad we’re calling it The House.)

Now I’ve prepped the bedrooms for painting, and will move in in a couple of weeks.


Here is a picture of its beautiful retro toilet:

Golden Throne

Ahh, goldenrod.

The kitchen is quite new:

Kitchen, Den

Gas range, which is nice.

Anyway, what I’ll be paying is less than a one bedroom apartment around here, and I’ve got roughly 12 hundred square feet. The spare bedroom will be my craft/art room.

It has central air! Woo!

And ten tons of wood paneling. :/

So, I will finally be moving out of my grandfather’s house. I’m officially grownup. (yuck.)

Anyway, so there is no crafting news other than I finished one of the popsicle socks:

Popsicle Sock

I am really tired, and must now go buy eggnog.

Ireland Girls, Revisited

A bunch of you asked about the Ireland Girls.  So I shall recount that story for your amusement.

I moved to Texas in 2001 to attend college at the University of Texas at San Antonio, chosen primarily for its distance from California and its close proximity to a major airport.

I was placed my first year in campus housing with Tara, Cindy, and Julie, and we remain great friends.  The second year, Julie had gotten married, so Tara, Cindy, and I went through a couple of extra roommates, and then Tara and Cindy graduated and moved out.  I was planning on staying one more year in campus housing before looking for my own place to live.

That first semester in 2003 I was gifted with one roommate, a girl named Shannon from the East Coast who was on an exchange program.  She was okay at first.  We were curious about our other roommates who were listed as being from Belfast, Northern Ireland, but hadn’t arrived yet.  About a month into the school year Jayne and Jill finally got everything sorted out with their student visas and arrived in San Antonio.  They were both on medical research tracks at their school back in Ireland and would be working at UTSA’s Health Science Center.

At first, because they didn’t know anybody, they were okay.  Kind of a novel experience – they had the accents, they didn’t know much about America or Texas or whatever.  We actually went to a few movies and I remember distinctly going to see 28 Days Later at the dollar movie theatre with them.

And then they started to make friends.

Because they were younger than me (they were 20) they obviously befriended younger folks, and it was then that I realized they were partiers, and Shannon too. And so the endless evenings of parties at the apartment began.  Drinking, smoking, music, television, hanging around, you name it, it happened.  There wasn’t much I could do except tell them not to smoke because I have a nicotine allergy.  Of course, they weren’t smoking cigarettes…

Anyway, so over Christmas Jill turned 21.  I’d never been so happy as to go home that Christmas – a month reprieve from their shenanigans.

After Jill turned 21, the drinking and amount of alcohol consumption shot up.  Shannon had decided that she wanted to go home after the one semester, so we would be getting a new roommate, and shortly after we got back from break in January, Angela arrived.

At the time, Angela was 30, and probably the most beautiful black woman I had ever met.  She seemed to click with the Ireland Girls, and I was peeved because I could really use an ally, you know?  They would hang out and the parties resumed.

But then Angela started to get serious about school, since she was returning to get her degree, and she started to get really pissed off at the amount of people hanging around all the time, and would ask the girls to hang out other places but they completely ignored her and finally, there had been two straight weeks of parties and people being over, and Angela had had enough.

And here is the post I wrote on Diaryland on April 17, 2004, recounting the incident:

I was so tired last night that I conked out around 12:30 or thereabouts. As many of you may know (or not, whichever) I used to have a strange sleep schedule, and not go to bed until two or three o’clock. However, I have returned to the land of the semi-living, and tend to go to bed around midnight or a little after.

Anyway, I had to preface the following with that, as my point is that I was completely unconscious through the dramatic events that unfolded within my apartment late last night. Therefore, my story is from pieces of information that Angela filled me in on when I got up this morning.

Jayne and Jill (aka The Ireland Girls) were arrested last night for providing alcohol to minors.

A Class A Misdemeanor.

Apparently, Angela was in her room minding her own business when the girls came home with a bunch of their friends and were being loud and drunk. Angela and I have been discussing, as of late, how best to deal with this problem, as they have had people over every day for the last two or so weeks. I realize that they are “scientists” (HAHAH I totally typed that scientits) and we are but mere “students” but their attitude has been extraordinarily presumptous lately. No regard to the fact that we have to study or work on projects or anything.

Last night Angela and I stayed in after going to a poetry reading up at school, and we were going to make dinner and watch 20/20. However, shortly before the show started the girls showed up with their friends, and they were going to go to a movie later on in the evening. And their dumb friends sat down on the couch and infringed on our evening. Needless to say, there were more of them than us. After they left ages later, Angela and I were talking about how best to handle the problem, meaning, we couldn’t get through to the girls by just talking to them, so we thought to get a mediator from the housing office.

However, I then went to sleep and apparently they all came back to the apartment, and Angela asked them to be quiet (drunk people are loud) and Jayne got all snotty and said they could stay there until three, which is the agreement from LAST semester when Angela didn’t even live here, so that’s totally invalid now. (And I never liked that agreement anyway, but I got ganged up on.)

Anyway, so Angela got mad, and went back into her room, and called the police, as a noise complaint.

The cops came, but seeing all the alcohol, asked them if they’d been drinking, and they were, apparently, totally plastered, but told them no, and all their friends are underage.

So they got arrested.

Angela then spoke with an RA, and told him that she didn’t want them living here anymore, and he said he would talk to one of the bosses over at the housing office. So they might be moving out. And since Jayne already had a citation for underage drinking (a couple months ago before she turned 21) it could be grounds for her to get kicked out entirely.



The girls moved out a few days after that and were shortly gone for good after that, having violated their student visas.  The incident even made the school paper.



They brought it upon themselves, so it is hard to feel sympathetic, especially after the hell they put me through, since I am NOT a partier in any way shape or form.  But I do wonder what happened to them and I hope that they’ve had okay lives.

I salute you, Jill and Jayne! At least things were never boring!