Lately I’ve Been

On Tuesday I went up to Sebastopol with my mother to the thrift store The Legacy. This is a wonderfully unique thrift store where they only sell craft items, and it benefits the local senior center. My mom was after some sewing machines parts and I was after nothing in particular but wound up getting loads of knitting pattern pamphlets for under $10.

Two blocks away from The Legacy on the same street is a yarn store called Balls & Skeins. My mom dropped me off over there so I could spend some of my birthday money. Balls & Skeins is a nice little store, though there isn’t a huge selection, or rather there isn’t a huge variety of different brands – or specifically different to me brands. They did, however, have the new larger 400-yd skeins of Jitterbug, so I snapped up one of those and another skein of turquoise Cascade 220, which shall join the pile o’worsted for the upcoming hatapalooza.

I do seem to enjoy knitting hats in the hottest months of the year; go figure.

The yarn is on top of my pile of stuff from The Legacy, and the top pattern is a vintage(ish?) child’s pullover, very adorable. The yarn is my sole birthday yarn this year. A friend sent me a gift certificate to the Loopy Ewe, and I selected a skein of Skinny Bugga in the Goldenrod Crab Spider colorway, which is an awesomely weird yellow green mustard color; absolutely what I envisioned and have been wanting. I’d like to make a shawlette with it to wear with my gray jacket.

In the middle is the Jitterbug. I don’t know what I’ll make with that yet. The colorway is (I think) Ischia (?) and reminds me of chocolate mint. Last is the Cascade 220 in the extremely well named colorway 9455.

I’ve sort of got project ADD at the moment; I don’t have something I’m completely married to and have been jumping back and forth between projects, even picking up an old one from last year:

These are fingerless mitts I’m calling “King George Mitts” based on the name of the lace pattern (which I confess may actually be called “King Charles Brocade” and in one of my pattern books is simply titled “Lacy Diamonds”. However, King George has stuck).

This morning (Saturday) I went to Felicia’s local wedding shower and gave her my gift. I like attending wedding showers for the sole reason that I don’t have to tote a gift to the wedding. In fact, the last several weddings I’ve attended I went to the shower for this purpose and I have to recommend it! For Felicia I got her a 12-count muffin/cupcake tin, a cake decorating set and a set of scissors. She seemed pleased with it, and to my amusement when she unwrapped the scissors, the whole room full of ladies went “Oooooh!” so, see, I was right about everybody needing scissors! I personally probably have about ten pairs floating around the house and it’s simply… not… enough. 😉

Next week I don’t have much to do except continue to look for work and I may have lunch with Felicia and Jennifer, who was also at the shower. Hopefully I will also have a chance to meet up with Malvina to help her with a hair dyeing situation. I also need to work on Sarah’s birthday present, like, a lot. Sarah is coming up for the wedding and Malvina and I plan to take her out to lunch for her birthday which is actually next week.

Oh, incidentally, I am Felicia’s wedding dress storage facility! Thanks to the fact that I have an animal-free homestead, there is a big lacy dress hanging in a storage bag in my living room, and it actually kind of startles me every time I walk past because from the corner of my eye it’s like a person standing there. Heh.

Adventures in Sac and an FO

Yesterday I headed up to Sacramento (explain to me again why I don’t live there? I like it so much more than the Bay Area. Oh right, I bought a house here. Sigh.) to help celebrate Malvina’s belated 30th birthday. As usual, we would be heading out to Chevy’s on the River for dinner, but I showed up early because traffic on Fridays is always a big fat suck and also I made her a coconut cake that needed to be refrigerated. So anyway, I got there around lunch time and we went shopping for Felicia’s wedding present at various places (Ikea, Target, Bed Bath & Beyond – which I always call Bath & Bodyworks to my eternal annoyance).

We decided that we were officially old because we were getting excited about kitchen tools. Case in point, here is what I picked up for myself at Ikea and Target with some birthday money:

I feel a little strange about this turn of events; not long ago I would have bought DVDs or something. But the fact of the matter is, I keep sending tea spoons and measuring spoons down the garbage disposal so I needed some more of those. I’m also turning into a cake-baking freakazoid, so I was in the market for a serving spatula thing and a better froster-er. And that stirrer thing on the right? I just wanted it. I think it will be great for the spaghetti sauce I make, and other things I cook. And I’ve been needing a rolling pin for quite some time; now I can make tortillas and sugar cookies.

(I also bought myself some Wii Points and shall shortly commence downloading such old school classics as Street Fighter II and Super Mario World, and possibly World of Goo, which is new WiiWare. Lest you think I have completely lost my mind and don’t continue to love things that are completely frivolous.)

Anyway, so after a successful shopping trip, we went back to Malvina’s house where Sam mixed us a cocktail of something with Bailey’s and chocolate, and then later after the rest of her friends arrived we headed over to Chevy’s.

For Malvina’s birthday I got her a copy of Little Women and Werewolves (hah!) and knit her some socks:

(“will be mad” is an in-joke.)

I actually finished this pair of socks in about 2 weeks. It is a midyear miracle! These are, as noted, Oolong Socks by Mona Schmidt (rav link), available via Twist Collective (link). I couldn’t post about them before as they were a gift. But they have gone off to their new home where I hope they will be worn a lot.

It wouldn’t be a Melissa knit if there weren’t some mods:

  1. I knit the leg chart (A, I think) twice instead of three times.
  2. Used my own heel turn instructions because I either read the pattern’s wrong or it was actually written incorrectly.

And that’s it, which for me is pretty amazing.

Tonight we’re going into the city to our friend Jen’s birthday party at the beach house where she lives. Should be fun! I think I need to take a nap first though. *is old now*

Happy Birthday to Malvina!

I just wanted to say Happy Birthday to one of my very best friends!

Happy Birthday, Malv! I’m glad you weren’t TOO mad at me for stealing Sarah’s seat in front of you in Geometry back in 1994. 😉

We’ve been friends for SIXTEEN YEARS. That’s more than half our lives. And as evidenced by the picture to the left in which we were both 14 years old… We grew up okay. (Yeah I totally scrounged around for an old picture. And I artfully cropped Felicia and Edie out of it. Hee. Incidentally, in this picture we were totally cutting school! Since we were all goody-two-shoes, it was the final day of our freshman year in high school and didn’t get in trouble.)

Hope it’s a good one, lady! It’s a brand new decade! I bet it will be even better than the last one. At least we can ring this one in with copious alcohol!