So, I am going to Disneyland over Thanksgiving, and since it might be coldish in Anaheim at the end of November (a knitter can dream, right??), I thought I would knit myself a hat.

I decided upon Ganomy from EZ’s Knitter’s Almanac. A classic, right? And I decided to use my new Manos de Uruguay, which I just got because it is beautiful. These things added up to this:


It looks innocent enough.

But ALAS, the yarn is too stiff on a size 7 needle and didn’t fit my big, Germanic noggin, even though I upsized the pattern like whoa. AND I started to run out of yarn.

…O failure thou art mine…

I went as far as I could, then decreased at the top to finish it off. This was a mistake. I then vigorously blocked the everlasting shit out of that thing.


Note the pointyness upon the crown. WTF?. AND, while vigorous blocking helped a little, the fact of the matter is, it is just too small for my head, even though it doesn’t look it. It’s too short, for one thing. And the rapid decreases at the top don’t help.

I am peeved.



So peeved, in fact, that I may actually FROG IT.

Anyway, so now I’m working on another one in Malabrigo on a bigger needle and it looks much more promising:

Ganomy Take 2

The yarn colors aren’t quite as awesome as the Manos but dudes, it is Malabrigo and therefore can do no wrong.

SO: moral of the story is, you can half-ass most anything, but you need to be more careful around miters. And use a bigger needle, damn it.