A Very Nerdy Weekend

I went to Stitches West yesterday and dropped a fair bit of money on some delicious yarn:

The whole kit and kaboodle

(That’s not even all of it, there is a beautiful pink/red skein too). The Noro sock yarn perfectly matches my Noro scarf I made last month. I will be making socks until I die. Hurray!

Today I went to Wondercon with Sam and Mark. It’s fun to go, to reaffirm that I am not as nerdy as I think I am. Not even close.

Wondercon 2008

A Wondercon tradition is that I lose my swag bag given at the door. I got distracted by the Wacom booth – they were demonstrating the Cintiq, and I got to try it, it’s really cool. I have a pressure tablet that I use to draw on in Photoshop, and a Cintiq is like that, only you are drawing on the computer screen. It’s so effin’ awesome! Anyway, I am pretty sure I lost my bag there.

But I remembered to bring my camera, and while I didn’t document that much, I did meet my goal of documenting the existence of Boba Fett and Friends:

Boba and Friends

Good times, people, good times.

So, we sat in on two panels – the Disney panel, where they previewed Prince Caspian and Wall-E (new Pixar) – both look pretty good. Then, the Fox panel, which previewed Shutter (yawn – another Japanese horror remake a la The Ring or The Grudge) AND THE X-FILES MOVIE featuring David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson’s first con appearance ever.

The X-Files fandom is beyond ridiculous, but I suppose all fandoms are. It was just a pretty cool panel with Mulder and Scully and Chris Carter eating a sandwich and discussing their favorite episodes. They didn’t really talk about the new movie except to say that it also starred Xhibit and Amanda Peet.

Next time I will actually make a Jayne hat and wear it like the nerd I think I am (but am not, not even close).

Lunar Eclipse

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Lunar Eclipse (close up), originally uploaded by Pynnski.

Did you see the lunar eclipse tonight? I was able to take some pictures that turned out surprisingly well given my lack of a telephoto lens, and whatnot. I did whip out my tripod, though.

It was really cool – I’ve never seen a lunar eclipse before. I’ve seen a couple partial solar eclipses, but never a lunar eclipse.

I like this photo in particular, since it captured the telephone wires too. I have a couple others without the wires over at Flickr.

Twilight, et al

Last week I read the Twilight books by Stephanie Meyer.

Yes, all three.

I’m not a huge fan of vampire books. I suspect I overdosed on the Anne Rice vampire books in high school, and ever since then have not been particularly interested. Also, I’m sorry, but a happily ever after does not, to me, usually entail the hero having to kill the heroine in order to be with her forever. I don’t find vampires to be particularly romantic or inspiring.

Give me a post-apocalypse any day.

So when I tell you that I LOVED the Twilight books, you know where I am coming from.

They don’t strike me as traditional vampires – in fact, Edward and his family only drink the blood of animals, and can go outside in sunlight. They don’t sleep in coffins – they don’t sleep at all.

So, hey, I like some vampires. Mark your calendars.

I really like the haunting writing – it sucks you in and before you know it, you’ve read three five hundred page books in two days. And most importantly, Stephanie Meyer has written, for her first adult novel (the Twilight books are YA), a sci-fi story based on the alien body-snatcher idea.

That kind of falls into a perfect category for me – kinda post-apocalyptic with zombies, kinda. I’ll be there.

Also, for the Twilight movie, they totally cast the guy who played Cedric Diggory in the Harry Potter movies as Edward, and that is pretty perfect casting, if you ask me.

ANYWAY, they were good books, and you should read them, even if you have a serious case of vampire ennui like I do.