the zombies are coming

the zombies are coming, originally uploaded by Pynnski.

This is pretty much all I did all weekend, aside from:

  1. Cleaning out my room, and my closet, which resulted in two large garbage bags full of great clothes for the Oakland Rescue Mission and the reappearance of the carpeting.
  2. Stepping on a live cockroach, barefoot.
  3. Hanging out with my sister, who brought me the above copy of The Zombie Survival Guide (can you believe I didn’t already have it? Craziness! Abby rocks!)
  4. RSVPing to my cousin’s upcoming wedding in Redding.
  5. Working on (and fucking up the increases on) the February Lady Sweater.
  6. Eating too many carbs on Father’s Day, which has left me feeling rather bloated and wilty. Abby and I took our dad out to breakfast and we feasted upon eggs and biscuits and gravy. Later we had a luncheon at the parentals’ house for my grandfolks that was full of potatoes, corn, meatballs, homemade bread…
  7. Thinking about stepping on that cockroach barefooted.

So, not too much crafting going on around here – I am still waiting for my Box of Stuff from Texas to get here. Or, get shipped, whichever.


Jennifer put up the challenge: “What movie and TV scenes have traumatized you?”

Here are my top five:

  1. That scene in Alien where the alien pops out of the guy’s stomach and gloms onto the other guy’s face. I was six when I first saw it (on a brand spanking new VHS tape!) and it took twenty years for me to get up the nerve to watch it again. (Totally worth it – the first two Alien movies are awesome.) My cousin Alex was responsible for this particular trauma.
  2. E.T. – the whole thing. I can’t remember but I think my parents had to leave the movie theatre with me for that one. I still don’t like E.T. When Elliott cuts his finger on the rotary saw and when E.T. gets pasty sick at the end, ugh. Also now watching it as an adult, it’s so mawkishly Spielbergian that it’s worth puking over.
  3. The first 15 minutes of Scream. It was on TV and I thought, hey, never saw that! And promptly freaked out and had to turn to a two-hour Beastie Boys documentary to recover. I was twenty.
  4. The Ring: I saw this on Halloween with my friend Crystal. I couldn’t even WATCH that part at the end where she crawls out of the television. About a year later my roommate Cindy was watching it at our apartment and I was like, now I can watch the end safely from the couch, in the daylight! I was wrong.
  5. Nightmare on Elm Street: I only watched a few minutes of this as a kid, but it was enough to know that I will never watch any of the movies ever in my entire lifetime. And in this case, never means never. (Alex was responsible for this one too.)

And with a face like, you can hardly blame me! 😛

Knitting Goals 2008

Since I ditched the old webspace, I also ditched all the old posts on the old blog. I’ve been thinking about what I want to accomplish knitting-wise in 2008 and since I couldn’t remember what I was supposed to be doing this year, I thought I’d post an updated list as of March.


  1. Knit a pair of socks a month. So far, so good. They don’t have to match, or necessarily conform to my Sock Project.
  2. Knit a shawl. I found the shawl I want to make, and it is Laminaria:
    Laminaria Shawl
  3. Knit whatever the hell I want, when I want, for whomever I want (most likely myself), to hell with current projects, etc. It’s a hobby, after all.
  4. Knit a lacey and/or cable hat, like Koolhaas or Foliage.
  5. Knit a pair of wristwarmers and/or gloves. Lord knows I have enough sock yarn to tide me over till 2015.
  6. Maaaaaaybe knit a sweater, like the Simple Knitted Bodice. It turns out I am not really a sweater knitter, so if this goal isn’t met, no big. I might wander about Webs or something to see if I can find a nice colored bamboo yarn to substitute for the silk.

So, that is what I am going to do this year. I am also going to nap a lot, the end.