Happy Birthday to Sarah!

Just because I was away in the mountains falling off a cliff* and bruising my back black and purple on the 24th doesn’t mean that Sarah is immune to a best friends Birthday Post!

Yeah that’s right, y’all: it’s ancient(ish) picture time:

Sarah and me, circa June-ish 2001 in South Lake Tahoe for a wedding at a Renaissance festival. I am apparently possessed by a crazy red-eyed demon.

While I’ve known Sarah since we were 12-year-olds singing in the junior high choir, I didn’t have any photos from those days (had I known I’d be posting ancient pictures 18 years in the future on a magical interweb, I would have made sure there was photographic evidence of us, especially in our costumes from PIRATES OF PENZANCE and no I can’t seem to make screencaps from my glorious DVD of our 8th grade production, boo hiss) so I made do with this picture from a trip Sarah, Malvina, and I made to South Lake Tahoe just prior to all of us turning 21, so no gambling/drinking fun was had, but my parents did grudgingly let me drive their new car into another state, so that was pretty cool.

To this day, I'm still surprised my parents allowed me to take their car, but my sexay Buick LeSabre was in dire condition and I doubt it would have gotten much past Placerville, much less up Hwy 50 into the Sierras. Incidentally we purchased weaponry at the festival and so even though you can't see it, we're totally armed in medieval gadgets in the back of the car. And I wonder whatever happened to my POISON RING.

So: Happy Birthday, Sarah! I hope you had a great day and welcome to the thirties club!

P.S. Malvina if you want me to post a picture of you in your ren faire costume with your giant flower hat, I totally will. Muahahaha! I mean, yay!

*slight exaggeration