Super Hot

You guys… I got nothin’.

I’ll probably update on the bead show in Oakland was great and how the San Mateo Fairgrounds/Maker Faire can stuff themselves later in the week, but for now, bask in the glory that is the following awesome news:

burn notice

Repeats are airing NOW at 11/10c on Thursdays on USA. (So, if you are like me, a person who works and has to, like, sleep, record it!) It’s pretty much the best show ever, after Dexter, and before CSI: Horatio Caine (notice how all my favorite shows take place in Miami?? I just realized that) so you should really watch it. Also because Jeffrey Donovan is hot and it also stars Bruce Campbell.

THE END, till next time.

I do actually work on things

I don’t just buy yarn, I actually use it, too:

Berry Nice Sock

I am still really enjoying how the Felici is working out. AND if you look at the sock carefully, you’ll notice that through the grace of the gods, the heel worked itself out so that it used an entire color repeat – so the repeat on the leg/foot wasn’t broken. AMEN. The fabric is very nice as well – but I think you might run into some problems if you used larger needles than US 1.

I finished one Spey Valley for the March Sock Project Sock:

Spey Valley

I like the pattern, and I like the Plymouth Happy Feet yarn, but the two don’t go together very well – only because you can’t see the pretty texture pattern on the leg. I’ll certainly make a second one because I like how the first sock turned out, ultimately. And the Happy Feet is a cheap sock yarn to experiment with.

For the April Sock: Waving Lace Socks from Interweave Knits’ Favorite Socks!

I will fully admit to cheating when I picked this pattern for the April sock. Also I will fully admit to being completely arbitrary in regards to my Sock Project – I am just picking sock patterns on a whim at this point. Heh.

I picked the Waving Lace Sock for a very good reason:

Waving Lace Socks

I have less than one sock to knit, as I made the other sock and the cuff of the second late last year. I need to finish these in two weeks. I forgot how quick a pattern it is once you get going. I knit half a repeat last night while watching NUMB3RS. I also plan on making another pair of these out of the nice dark turquoise Shibui Sock I have. This is a great pattern, and I think along with the Monkey pattern is the pattern I’ve used multiple times (well and my now standard 3×1 rib sock, but whatever).

I have managed to go a week without buying any yarn. Partly because my car is in the shop having some scheduled maintenance and an oil change and I didn’t know how much that would cost (less than I thought!). Also dudes, I have a lot of sock yarn. Like, enough for years worth of socks. (And yet: I’d still like to get my hands on some Wollmeise! And more blue and yellow yarn in general! Maybe some purple! *slaps self*)

Anyway, today I am wearing my old Regia Crazy Color socks and may I just say that they have worn quite well. They are a couple years old at this point, and have held up beautifully through many washings and dryings.


I just finished reading the new Dresden Files book, Small Favor. I really like Jim Butcher’s writing, and I pretty much love the Dresden Files, so I was quite pleased with this latest installment. (My favorite is still the first one I ever read, Dead Beat, simply because Harry necromances a dinosaur in the grand finale. Heh.)

I’ve had okay luck at the library lately – discovered Shirlee Busbee’s historical romances, which are well written and interesting (a feat unto themselves, god.), read a bit of Tanith Lee’s Paradys cycle, though it was a little too gothic for me. Now that I’ve read ten billion books, I’ve come to discover that I do, in fact, have discerning taste in stuff. Imagine!

This, That, the Other Thing

I’ve been pretty busy the last week. I had a Board Meeting, I went into San Francisco to visit a coworker who had a heart attack, etc. But I finally managed to take a picture of the scarf I crocheted the week before last:

Crochet Scarf #3

It’s like the other ones – Noro Kureyon, single crochet into the front loop over about 150-200 stitches. I really like the colors on this one.

And I’ve been working on Spey Valley too:

Spey Valley Progress

Last weekend we went and saw Miss Pettigrew Lives For a Day, which was cute, impeccably designed, if a smidge long. I also watched Stardust (absolutely wonderful), 28 Weeks Later (laaaame), and The Hogfather (not half bad, if long).

My latest Netflix was Fido, which is a silly zombie movie that takes place in an alternate 50’s-era reality. I liked it quite a lot! Don’t watch if you are offended by kid zombies. But if you’re a fan of zombie movies, it’s a must-see.

Knitpicks has new colors of their Felici yarn. Never mind that I haven’t used the Felici I already own… I fully ordered some of the new stuff. Heh.

I’m going to the Yarn Boutique today and later I’m meeting Malvina for dinner. Should be a good day!