Self-Awareness Can Only Lead to Self-Improvement

I was looking on Modcloth last night, as my sister had sent her Christmas wish list to me and there was an item on there from that store, and I took to looking at the clothing. I don’t fit in the majority of their clothes (a lot only go up to a large [!]), which I find irritating, but since I don’t have any money anyway, it’s sort of a moot point. Anyway, so I did come across this dress that I really liked:

I think it’s really cute. I like the idea of a chevron stripe being the main visual feature around the neck, and since it’s a knit dress, well hell, I could make that!

I don’t think a worsted weight dress would be a good idea, though, so I would shorten it to hip/tunic length. Also since there’s a ridiculous amount of stockinette, which I find tedious to knit (less so in the round than flat, but still) This would be an ideal candidate for the knitting machine. In theory, I could try my standard machine(s) out for this, but I actually have a random ton of dark dark heathered gray worsted weight yarn which I think would work out pretty well and plus I could use stash for it. As far as the chevron, I don’t know about the colors yet but I’ll check the stash. I’m also not totally clear on technique either: I’d like to try set-in sleeves in the round, but I think I’m leaning towards intarsia for the front chevron, which wouldn’t work very well in the round. At any rate, there would be folded over hems as opposed to ribbings. That part I’m pretty excited about it. I’ve done folded hems on socks but never on a garment before, so I think that will be pretty cool.

As far as what I’ve been up to lately (since I haven’t updated since Mid-October):

  1. HARDWARE: Did you notice that I mentioned standard knitting machine(S)? Yeah, that’s right, I managed to acquire a fully outfitted Toyota knitting machine complete with ribber and punch cards for the low low price of $40 (yes I still owe you Mom, just remind me…) at the Legacy Thrift Shop’s first annual rummage sale! From what I’ve been able to deduce from my interweb research, the Toyota is compatible with the standard Elna machine I already own. SUH-WEET! So if you’re paying attention, that means I now have three knitting machines and am basically turning into my mother with every passing day.
  2. THE CAR: Got the car fixed: my uncle came over and removed some sort of mystery squishy rubber piece from the clutch area that he was baffled by its very existence, let alone what it was doing in my car. No problems since, knock on wood. No really, knock on wood, wherever you are, I need all the cosmic points I can get.
  3. ZOMBIE INFATUATION: I made zombie cupcakes:

    They were fun to make, even if my kitchen is now under a sheen of red food coloring. These are actually red velvet cupcakes. I don’t think I really like red velvet cupcakes – I mean, they are pretty and all, but they don’t really taste like anything.
  4. LOS ANGELES: I went to see my friend Sarah two weeks ago. I took a day off work and drove down to Santa Clarita, listening to talk radio the whole time. It was really interesting to listen to, because that was the week Juan Williams got the heave-ho from NPR and he went on Hannity to talk about it. Once I got to Santa Clarita, Sarah and I went to dinner at New Moon and hung out the rest of the weekend. I even managed to squeeze in a trip to the Super Walmart! I love the Super Walmart! And Sarah. I love Sarah too. *ahem* 😉

One of the main things I’ve been working on in the past few weeks is getting my house back into order. This year has been kind of sucktacular, and I do have a tendency towards “clutter blindness” (and laziness) so I have been trying to get more organized in my day-to-day lifestyle. Last week I spent some quality time decluttering the kitchen, and I also did a small home improvement in my bedroom where I hung a row of hooks for my long necklaces:

…That’s not even all my jewelry, but I am trying to get organized and stay neater. It will be a challenge because I am kind of a slob, and like I said, I do suffer from clutter blindness to some degree, and if there is a flat surface soon enough I will put something on it. I was particularly struck yesterday when my parents stopped by after I’d cleaned up (and out) the den, they basically were all, “WOW.” so it must have been pretty bad, but really I just don’t see it, which I’m working on trying to recognize. Being self-aware is the first step to self-improvement, right?

Anyway, isn’t that rack nice? I got it at Target. It’s hanging where that picture used to. I also had a clock up there, but I moved the clock to another wall, along with a sculpture I made in my ceramics class in college, lo those years ago.

I like that corner a lot better now; it’s improved by the addition of the clock as it adds a little something to the composition of the area, and breaks up the solid blue of the wall.

I’m now working on getting some things framed and up on the walls in other parts of the house. I picked up some velcro sticky things by 3M to use to hang pictures – the wood paneling that makes up every wall in my house is often times hard to get a nail through, but the velcro stuff can hold things up to several pounds so I’m looking forward to finally getting my art collection up. What, I’ve only lived here for two years, isn’t that about the amount of time needed to get your crap together? I can’t believe I’ve already been here that long. And with the economy being the way it is, I bet that I will be here for awhile! AWESOME.

Hey at least I got another job, so I should just shut up.

And someday I really will take photos of the Wollmeise I got and post them. Someday, if the sun ever comes out while I’m at home!

Happy Birthday to Sarah!

Just because I was away in the mountains falling off a cliff* and bruising my back black and purple on the 24th doesn’t mean that Sarah is immune to a best friends Birthday Post!

Yeah that’s right, y’all: it’s ancient(ish) picture time:

Sarah and me, circa June-ish 2001 in South Lake Tahoe for a wedding at a Renaissance festival. I am apparently possessed by a crazy red-eyed demon.

While I’ve known Sarah since we were 12-year-olds singing in the junior high choir, I didn’t have any photos from those days (had I known I’d be posting ancient pictures 18 years in the future on a magical interweb, I would have made sure there was photographic evidence of us, especially in our costumes from PIRATES OF PENZANCE and no I can’t seem to make screencaps from my glorious DVD of our 8th grade production, boo hiss) so I made do with this picture from a trip Sarah, Malvina, and I made to South Lake Tahoe just prior to all of us turning 21, so no gambling/drinking fun was had, but my parents did grudgingly let me drive their new car into another state, so that was pretty cool.

To this day, I'm still surprised my parents allowed me to take their car, but my sexay Buick LeSabre was in dire condition and I doubt it would have gotten much past Placerville, much less up Hwy 50 into the Sierras. Incidentally we purchased weaponry at the festival and so even though you can't see it, we're totally armed in medieval gadgets in the back of the car. And I wonder whatever happened to my POISON RING.

So: Happy Birthday, Sarah! I hope you had a great day and welcome to the thirties club!

P.S. Malvina if you want me to post a picture of you in your ren faire costume with your giant flower hat, I totally will. Muahahaha! I mean, yay!

*slight exaggeration

Avoiding the Good Fight

I’ve been avoiding upgrading WordPress because the last time I did it I have a mostly-blocked recollection of completely horking up the code and breaking the template and crying tearfully into a Dos Equis.

So, I’m waiting for my webhost to get the “One-Click Upgrade!” online before I do anything. Argh. 2.5 looks so shiny.

So I went to L.A. last weekend and had a nice time. I visited Sarah and Bill and Baby Will, and to my astonishment, had a couple of delightful conversations with Bill which doesn’t happen too often; it’s nice to talk to someone who has almost identical political views as you. As a Republican in a fluorescent blue state, that doesn’t happen very often.

The baby:

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While we were encumbered with the wee tot, there was not a lot of jaunting around, but I did manage a fly-by trip to the LYS by Sarah’s house, Simply Knitting in Santa Clarita. It’s a nice little shop, and they were having a 50% off all the yarn in the store (except the Koigu) sale. I got some ridiculously expensive Prism Saki sock yarn and some Mirasol Hacho yarn:

Mirasol Hacho Sock yarn

The Prism retails for $35 (!) which is one hell of a lot for a skein of sock yarn, so it better make the Awesomest and Most Hardy Socks ever in the land of socks. But having purchased it for 50% off, it doesn’t have to.

The Hacho, above, is just DANGED GORGEOUS, rather reminds me of the Koigu base, but softer. Not superwash but I’m thinking mitts for this stuff anyway. I accidentally bought two different dye lots of the pink, but, eh.

And now I must go, for the trifecta of perfect (ALL NEW) television is soon upon us: The Office, Lost, and Supernatural. Oh, Thursdays!

Now, if only Dexter Season 2 would come out on DVD.