So I Went to Lambtown

I went up to Dixon this morning to go to Lambtown (quick, you can too – it’s open for three more hours!) to wander around and look at yarn and sheeps.

Lambtown is a small fiber festival and there was definitely more fleece around – not something that interests me as I’m not a spinner. They had a couple of booths that had spindles that looked fun but dudes: I do not need another hobby when I still haven’t utilized weaving, you know?? I might try it sometime but I don’t want to buy a bunch of supplies.

Anyway, it was good, and I even ran into a twitter friend there (Hi Manda!) and stopped and chatted with her and her knitting group for awhile (go me, being social-ish!).

That last one is my favorite; he seemed young and his fur (?) was shaved funny. I like how they look kind of like poodles.

I actually didn’t take any pictures of sheep this year because there weren’t as many! Last year I took a bunch but there definitely weren’t as many animals there this year, which I think may have something to do with our ever worsening economy. Also it rained last night a little. (No excuses!) I kind of wish I did because the sheep were all sheared and wearing canvas ponchos to protect them. They kind of cracked me up. But the sheep weren’t doing anything interesting and I couldn’t really get any good shots.

Okay I have to go to my uncle’s party now. I actually have a finished project to show you all next time.

Lambtown and Etc.

I always feel somewhat guilty when I am in the Sacramento environs and do not tell my friends Malvina and Sam that I will be in their vicinity, as we always have fun and delicious foods whenever we get together.  However, my appearance in the state’s capitol was rather spontaneous: my mom and I trekked up to Dixon to attend their annual Lambtown festival, then followed up with a trip to the new yarn store I found the last time I was in Sac over Labor Day.

Lambtown was fun, if a bit smaller than I was anticipating, but we are not talking Maryland Sheep & Wool or Rhinebeck here, we are talking Hick California Town Sheep Thing. (No offense to Dixon, which is a cute little farm town about 20 miles from Sacramento.)  There was plenty to look at and a whole multi-purpose room full of yarn and fleece.  I even looked at a drop spindle, but dudes: come over here and punch me if I ever start spinning because cripes in a kayak I do not want to. I haven’t even used my loom this year – let’s master rigid heddle weaving first, shall we? Oy.

Didn’t take any pictures of the yarn room, but I did take adorable shots of alpacas and sheep:





Plus, I got a shot of this beauty:


Poor guy is in need of some orthadontia, I think. Heh.

Anyway, it was a good time and afterwards we headed up to Fair Oaks to go to Babetta’s, which my mom hadn’t been in before. We were discussing what to have for lunch and couldn’t really decide, when we noticed that like three store fronts from Babetta’s was a Thai restaurant! So after yarn we went over there and had a very nice lunch.

We got a peanut sauce salad, which was kind of your basic salad but it had this awesome peanut sauce and braised tofu bits and was just really tasty. We also had pad thai, which my mom had never had. I liked it, but I’m not too picky about pad thai. She wasn’t super thrilled with it. It lacked in the peanut department, I thought, but was otherwise good. We also tried the chicken and red curry which was also good. I must say no place has ever equaled the unparalleled greatness that is Coconut Bay in Burlingame, so if you take that place out of the equation, this place was quite good.

I have been sick all week with a minor cold, and I feel a bit better today – a lot less sniffly which is nice. I mainlined the zinc Cold Eeze on Wednesday and Thursday and that seemed to do the trick. I’ve slept a lot, which is definitely nice. I don’t think I’ll last too late tonight either. I should look for something for dinner, maybe.

Post Holiday wrap-up

On Friday, I celebrated Independence Day with my immediate family by eating pork ribs at their house and then going home, and then going to the fireworks at College Park later in the evening. I’ll spare you the police and fire-zone related issues, and suffice it to say, a good time was had. My aunt, uncle, and cousin found us and we all watched the fire works together.

My sister took a short video of them:

Yesterday (saturday) was my 28th birthday, and there was yarn and sheep cake involved:

Huffin and Puffin

(I ate its jugular vein; that is, where the pink ribbon is. I named it Stan.) Earlier in the day, I went peddle boating with my dad at the Lafayette Reservoir and then we had breakfast at Country Waffles.

Now I’m going to order my loom and call it a day.  Looks like we’re in for another heat wave, yay. At least the air quality has been better lately from all those fires that have been raging across California.  Oh, and I learned how to put washer fluid in my car, that was pretty exciting.