In One Ear

Lately, I’ve been noticing that a lot of people are posting about the books they are reading for the summer, for pleasure, for whatever. I have noticed one consistent similarity throughout all these posts and that is this: I will probably never read those books. I am not a Grapes of Wrath sort of girl.

I am a romance/zombies/Templars/fantasy/dinosaurs kind of girl:

Current TBR

Okay, there are no dinosaur books in that TBR pile, but only because I can’t find Tyrannosaur Canyon at the moment. As soon as I dig it out from under my bed, there it will go!

What are you reading?


I have completed my first week of Atkins. It has kind of sucked, but not too hard. I am not crazy-hungry like the last time I did this. I feel healthier, like my system is restarting itself and has purged most of the junk out of it. Next weekend I’ll be done with Atkins and start Phase 2 of South Beach, which includes fruits and whole grains. I am not really missing bread or noodles or rice or whatever, but I’d like to have some fruits again, especially some Brooks cherries.

I have been eating a lot of brussel sprouts.

Two weeks till Texas!

6 Replies to “In One Ear”

  1. I’m a romance/vampire sorta girl! I haven’t read The Host yet, but it’s on my to-buy/to-be-read list. 🙂 I just finished Twilight by Stephenie Meyer, and it was fascinating. 🙂 I can’t wait to read her “adult” book! 🙂

  2. I like the Twilight Books! I think I’m going to save The Host for my plane trip to TX, so it’s another thing to look forward to!

  3. Yeah, apparently it has been out since MARCH, but I just got it a couple weeks ago.

  4. Tell me what you love about those Twilight books, because I tried to read once, but ugh! The sparkling skin of the adonis-y Edward made me a little nauseous! I generally like the same sort of things you like, and I just ordered The Smoke Thief for my Kindle because it was on your summer reading list, so please explain the attraction of Stephanie Meyers’ writing!

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