You guys… I got nothin’.
I’ll probably update on the bead show in Oakland was great and how the San Mateo Fairgrounds/Maker Faire can stuff themselves later in the week, but for now, bask in the glory that is the following awesome news:
Repeats are airing NOW at 11/10c on Thursdays on USA. (So, if you are like me, a person who works and has to, like, sleep, record it!) It’s pretty much the best show ever, after Dexter, and before CSI: Horatio Caine (notice how all my favorite shows take place in Miami?? I just realized that) so you should really watch it. Also because Jeffrey Donovan is hot and it also stars Bruce Campbell.
THE END, till next time.
Oooo, Burn Notice! I loves me some Burn Notice. I’ve got to Tivo that one.