CHS 1998 11 Year Reunion

CHS 1998 11 Year Reunion, originally uploaded by Pynnski.

So, last Saturday was my school’s 11 year reunion. Why not 10 year? I have no idea. We’re procrastinators, I guess. (our reunion website is

I have to admit, I was ultimately underwhelmed with the whole thing. I’m not someone who looks back and wishes they were still in high school – I was a hormonal wreck, completely out of my mind, didn’t know what I wanted to do with myself and was a complete and total dork.

So, I have pretty much blocked most of high school from my head. And college, too. What came out of my school experiences were ultimately wonderful and lasting friendships. In the picture above, I have known all those girls a minimum of 15 years, and Jen I’ve known for almost 20 (OMG). (I’m sitting next to Jen on the right; she’s the one with the fab pink hair.)

Sure, there’s a certain amount of curiosity I retained about people I went to school with, but alas, the people I was most curious about didn’t come. And now, I definitely feel like I’ve come full circle and have closed that chapter of my life.

Anyway, the shindig was at the Pyramid Alehouse in Walnut Creek, and it was loud and the air conditioning was broken. Now, I still retain my Texas heat shields, but this was way too effing hot with way too many people in the same room. At one point I went to use the restroom and it was a blissful 68 degrees. I caught the photographer in there and she admitted that she had gone in there on purpose just to get cool.

The food was hor d’eourves, various stuff, pretty tasty, and there was an open beer/wine bar. I had an apple cider beer that was pretty good. Also: cold. And there was a really good chocolate cake thing for dessert.

I wonder if because it was an alehouse they kept the temp down so you would enjoy (and order more) ice cold beers? If so, fail.

Anyway, the other thing that happened was that one of the people who had been quite popular back in the day was *I SWEAR* on something because he was a little too fidgety a little too early on the day; i.e., dude was totally tweaking.

But yeah, I did talk to a few people I was pleased to catch up with (Steve the Pirate King, his wife, Mark, Kirsten) though ultimately it was the most expensive “hang out with my friends” I’ve ever accomplished. THOUGH: props to the coordinators of the event. While I was kinda bored with the scene, it had nothing to do with their efforts and I think they did a great job considering the time constraints and our lackadaisical class.

SO: Here’s to us, Concord High Class of 1998! Now I never have to look at most of you ever again!


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