Fat & Fabulous

Last week I joined Weight Watchers.

This week I'm 2.8 pounds lighter!

I think if I hadn't been, ahem, having a monthly hormone fluctuation, I may have done even better. I certainly feel less bloated. TMI? Too bad.

I like the new PointsPlus system and it really seems to work for me. Will I continue having my weekly ginormous Starbucks white chocolate mocha? At 8 points per drink, I'm thinking unlikely but you never know. What's nice about the PointsPlus is that you have a daily allotment (mine's 37, which will decrease as I lose weight), plus a weekly extra 49 points that you can distribute over your week if you, say, go out drinking one night, or really want to have McDonald's one day. I find that the fast food and prepared food are too dear at this point, so out of the diet they have gone. Alas, my kingdom for a cheeseburger(s).

What's different about PointsPlus from the previous points incarnation is that most fruits and vegetables are zero points. As I recall from before, fruits used to cost points… which means I wouldn't eat them. But I've been eating more fruits this past week and have come to enjoy having an apple at lunch! Who knew. Not I.

You might be asking yourself, why now, Melissa? And why Weight Watchers? Well, the why now has a lot to do with the hot pink bridesmaids dress I am going to have to wear next year (sigh) and Weight Watchers because I'm familiar with the program and because a bunch of people I know are doing it right now, so right away there is a built in support system.

But mostly it's the bridesmaids dress.

And I'm tired of being the fat friend.

I don't really have any mental issues with my body aside from my belly, which is a result of six months of Taco Bell and eating my emotions after my grandfather died. I'm a little fixated on the belly too because it has a large scar on it from my surgery years ago and I've never really been able to flatten it out because of that (but have I ever REALLY tried??)

I love fashion so it's sad to me that more options are available for smaller women when so many of us are actually fatter than ideal. Years ago my mom said that if I lost weight she would put $500 towards a new wardrobe, and maybe I'm finally ready to take her up on it. (Does she remember she said that? Haha, TOO BAD)

But anyway, I'm only a week into this, and a lot of it has to do with Making Better Choices and Not Eating Taco Bell All The Time. Thank God we don't have Taco Cabana here, because then I would have a problem.

I'm finding that I wasn't eating all that differently (calorically or otherwise) but that adding in the fruits and vegetables, portion control and making a concerted effort to actually eat breakfast has been helping. I'm also cooking a little more and even made oven fries (baked wedged potatoes) for the first time in my life. Yes folks, I made it 31 years without ever cooking a potato! (I would totally eat them but only at other people's houses. I don't know why I never cooked them, I just wasn't interested).

There is also a nice paved path by work so I'll try to get out for a bit of a walk during my lunch hour like I did today. Mostly I just needed to get out of the office for a bit since they have been power washing the building for DAYS I couldn't stand it in there anymore so I went for a walk.

But anyway, so that's kind of why I've been quiet here and on Twitter for the last week, I have been busy being awesome and getting my life on track a little.

If I don't update about more resin adventures tomorrow or Friday, my next post will be revealing what I made for the Bead Soup Blog Party on Saturday! Can't wait to show it off and see what other people made!

One Reply to “Fat & Fabulous”

  1. Congrats on joining WW and your loss! 🙂 Are you going to meetings or doing the online thing? I go to meetings, and I found that it's easier to stick with it because of that instead of just doing it online. It's my first time doing WW, so I don't have anything else to base it off of (I tried tracking on Sparkpeople, but that's the closest I've gotten to any other weightloss thing), but PointsPlus is a good program.   I've slacked off the last couple of months, and I need to kick it back in gear, but… it's been a difficult last couple of months. haha 🙂
    best of luck to you – I hope you get that new wardrobe! 😉

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