Last week I had a series of bad luck events that culminated in spending around $1.6k on a new water heater and – most unfortunately – on a new floor underneath the water heater. 🙁 🙁 🙁

Here is the sequence of events:

  1. Had to call the sheriff’s department Saturday morning to report an alarm going off at my neighbor’s house… alarm woke me up at like 7:15 a.m. and didn’t turn off for over an hour. I was very sad as this prevented me from sleeping in. However, silver lining – was up early enough in the morning to go to the oft-too-crowded grocery store (Sprouts – the parking there is atrocious) without incident
  2. <redacted extended family matter>
  3. Sunday evening I was in the master bathroom puttering around and heard water running. The water heater is next to the bathroom in a closet that opens on the outside of the house. I checked the bathroom faucets and was like, ohhhh…. nooooooo. And went outside and looked in the closet and sure as shit, the water heater was leaking from the top and the whole floor was flooded about an inch. There was a drain and the water was going out there but everything was wet. FROWNY FACE. I turned the water off to the house to stop the leak and there wasn’t much else I could do besides go drown my sorrows in pizza and discuss the <redacted extended family matter> with my mom.
  4. The next day the plumbers came out and removed the water heater. Advised that the floor was ruined so they couldn’t install the new heater. Which was sitting in my carport. So we stowed the new heater in my shed for the time being while I started to call around to see if one of my maintenance guys could replace the floor. The plumbers restored water to the house, but only cold. This meant that I could do laundry, shower, flush, etc. but no hot water and no dishwasher, which runs off the hot water line. SORROW AND DISMAY
  5. Was able to schedule the maintenance company for Friday.
  6. Friday morning discovered a broken mirror in one of my eyeshadow pallets. Could this be the source of my misery?? 
  7. Was stuck at work till almost 7 on Friday completing a project. While finishing it up, my guy called to let me know that the floor work was done. Yay!
  8. Got home and admired the new plywood floor. The old one was MDF. Who does that???! Particle board underneath a water heater? WTF.
  9. Unfortunately, they called too late to schedule the plumber, so on Monday morning called and they were able to get out that afternoon. I had already missed a bunch of work (it felt like… only like 3 hours) due to this so I had my mom meet them out there and they were able to install.
  10. While my mom was at my house she cleaned my whole kitchen. Moms are amazing!

So, I’m back up and running with hot water and ran the dishwasher and had a couple of warm showers (I was starting to get used to the cold showers… TBH my hair LOVED this – so shiny looking!). Last night I partially cleaned out the fridge… the garbage can was too small to hold it all so that project is on hold till next week. I’m starting the big spring cleaning project I didn’t have energy for in the spring.

This upcoming weekend I have 2.5 days off and to myself (office closes at 1 on Friday and I have absolutely no plans, hurrah!) so I shall try to not be a complete hobo and keep up with my projects. I pulled out the binding machine the other night with the plan to bind a couple of knitting pattern ebooks I purchased.

I also think I may be mentally ready to tackle the studio.


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