I have been going through some of my old drafts that I never posted over the years (there are over a hundred) and I think I will post some that I find notable every once in awhile. They date back to 2010.

This post I found entertaining because I discuss the purchase of my “new” car (the same one I still drive to this day) as well as that time my father broke his fall with his face. 

Date: 2/12

I have been busy having drama the last few weeks!

And then, I was reminded that I had a blog when I received a credit card charge for $190* for the next two years of service, SO I GUESS I BETTER GET WITH IT.

Anyway, since last we chatted, I gave up on my car, which chose to not start several days in a row due to cold/low battery/whatever, so in a fit of righteous indignation and spontaneity, I went and bought a new one. Hahaha! oops.


I actually love it more than I have ever loved a car in my life. Probably because it’s the first car that I truly chose on my own in a color that is perfect for me. (ELECTRIC RASPBERRY aka brilliant turquoise!)

To be fair, I chose the Saturn, but that had more to do with the fact that I needed a car badly, having totalled my truck and only having a very set budget, which the Saturn fell under. I liked the Saturn a lot, don’t get me wrong, but I never felt this all-consuming infatuation I have with the current car.

Other things that have been going on include certain parental figures falling out of their trucks onto their face, which has resulted in the GROWTH OF A MUSTACHE which I am startled by every time I see this particular person. I was up in Sacramento for a fun overnight stay, went to Stitches West, bought a new car, sold the old car, etc., etc.

So that’s what’s been going on here.

Oh and I got my watch, it is beautiful and I love it. Did you know Fossil makes Michael Kors (and Armani Exchange and several other high-end name brands?) When I found that out, I said forget it to the uber-expensive MK watch and hello to the MUCH more affordable Fossil watch, which is nearly identical.

The nice thing is that I used my very last Jason money and Christmas money from my grandma to purchase this, so it’s a nice piece that brings me comfort. And bling.

In the meantime, if you don’t see me around, I’ve been pretty active on Pinterest – hope to see you there!

*Boy, this went up – just paid $250 for 2 years of service in 2018. Joy! Rapture!

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