A Week In the Life

I have been run ragged this week, and it’s not over yet! OY VEY.

Last Monday was the last day I was just at home with nothing to do. Oh, Monday, you were great. Tuesday I had a large homeowner’s meeting to record minutes for, Wednesday I had another board meeting to record minutes for, and Thursday I had a Chamber of Commerce mixer, and Friday I went out with my cousin to the movies. So I kind of haven’t been home in forever. Today I am off to Sacramento for a birthday party and tomorrow I am going with the fam to Placerville and a flower farm.

Luckily, next week is a short work week and I don’t have any meetings. Friday is the 4th of July and Saturday is my birthday. I’m hoping that the smoke from the 800 fires dissipates because I REALLY WANT to go peddle boating for my birthday out at the Lafayette Reservoir. However, we are being told to stay inside and not go out and breathe all the smoke.  I can understand this – yesterday I was out in Brentwood on a site inspection, and was horking up snot and ash for an hour afterwards. It was still fun, though, Phil and I went off-roading in his golf cart up on the hill, where I hadn’t been before, to survey the goat damage.

So, my cousin Amanda and I went to see Wanted, starring the fawn from Chronicles of Narnia and Angelina Jolie. It was totally not what I was expecting, but it still really great. Completely violent and excessive, which I have really been in the mood for. Earlier this week I got Shoot ‘Em Up from Netflix and THAT is an AWESOME movie, if you haven’t seen it and you enjoy a spot of violence and Clive Owen killing a bunch of people while running around holding a baby, then that is the movie for you! However, not for the faint of heart, so if you are easily bothered by gore and lactating prostitutes (hi google searchers!) then you should probably avoid Shoot ‘Em Up. I loved it a lot however and watched it twice, it was that good.

/end gushing

So I haven’t completely just done nothing. I got a couple boxes in the mail this week. I purchased Norah Gaughan Volume 3 and a couple of the new pattern pamphlets from Berroco and those came quite promptly.
I also finally got my box of stuff I bought in Texas, which had more yarn and all those beads in it. AND I was bad and ordered from the Loopy Ewe.

Recent Yarn Acquisitions

And I am working on a sock in Araucania Nature Multy:

New Sock

And a swallowtail shawl:

Swallowtail Shawl

I’m knitting this shawl in the Daffodil colorway of some Rio de la Plata sock yarn. I really like the yarn, it’s got a great rustic feel to it, and as you can see, the stitch definition is tops. I’m having fun diving into the stash and trying out the different yarns I have. I’m hoping to finish this shawl in time for my cousin’s wedding.  Not that I am going to wear a wool shawl to a summer wedding in REDDING but it’s a timeline goal anyway.

Now I am off to the post office to mail a check and my Netflix (Talledega Nights, which was funny but stupid) and get gas, drop off some stuff at the library, and go to Target.

Later taters.

Super Hot

You guys… I got nothin’.

I’ll probably update on the bead show in Oakland was great and how the San Mateo Fairgrounds/Maker Faire can stuff themselves later in the week, but for now, bask in the glory that is the following awesome news:

burn notice

Repeats are airing NOW at 11/10c on Thursdays on USA. (So, if you are like me, a person who works and has to, like, sleep, record it!) It’s pretty much the best show ever, after Dexter, and before CSI: Horatio Caine (notice how all my favorite shows take place in Miami?? I just realized that) so you should really watch it. Also because Jeffrey Donovan is hot and it also stars Bruce Campbell.

THE END, till next time.


Jennifer put up the challenge: “What movie and TV scenes have traumatized you?”

Here are my top five:

  1. That scene in Alien where the alien pops out of the guy’s stomach and gloms onto the other guy’s face. I was six when I first saw it (on a brand spanking new VHS tape!) and it took twenty years for me to get up the nerve to watch it again. (Totally worth it – the first two Alien movies are awesome.) My cousin Alex was responsible for this particular trauma.
  2. E.T. – the whole thing. I can’t remember but I think my parents had to leave the movie theatre with me for that one. I still don’t like E.T. When Elliott cuts his finger on the rotary saw and when E.T. gets pasty sick at the end, ugh. Also now watching it as an adult, it’s so mawkishly Spielbergian that it’s worth puking over.
  3. The first 15 minutes of Scream. It was on TV and I thought, hey, never saw that! And promptly freaked out and had to turn to a two-hour Beastie Boys documentary to recover. I was twenty.
  4. The Ring: I saw this on Halloween with my friend Crystal. I couldn’t even WATCH that part at the end where she crawls out of the television. About a year later my roommate Cindy was watching it at our apartment and I was like, now I can watch the end safely from the couch, in the daylight! I was wrong.
  5. Nightmare on Elm Street: I only watched a few minutes of this as a kid, but it was enough to know that I will never watch any of the movies ever in my entire lifetime. And in this case, never means never. (Alex was responsible for this one too.)

And with a face like, you can hardly blame me! 😛