Friday Physical #1

I am going to try to keep myself accountable here on this blog each Friday by chronicling my journey into ATTEMPTED PHYSICAL FITNESS.

I am going to be 30 next year, and over the last TEN years (since my surgery) I have watched my weight creep up and now I am uncomfortable with myself. Not necessarily in a bad way or a vain way, but in an actual physical way – I don’t feel healthy a lot of the time.

This isn’t about numbers or buying into the skinny-is-better culture. I’ll never be skinny. My (let’s face it) Germanic bone structure is such that I will never be dainty. But I think I have the ability to be:


Ultimately my goal over the next six months to a year, is to lose enough weight to fit into a size 14. It’s a realistic goal. I don’t know how much weight that will take. Ten years ago, post tumor, I was a size 16. So, I am doing what I should have done then and get into shape. It will be harder now, of course. I’m not 19 anymore.

And that’s what this is about. I don’t really care about size or numbers (for the most part), but I DO care about being strong and feeling healthy.

And I really like fashion and want to fit into all those goddamned things I see at Anthropologie. I must confess, this is one of the more upper most reasons for wanting to do this.

But there are other more legitimate reasons as well:

  1. My family tends towards high blood pressure.
  2. My family now has the threat of Alzheimers – and I want to be as healthy as possible to try to avoid that.
  3. I am tired A LOT, and I think not being in shape has to do with that.
  4. I want to hike the Lafayette Reservoir rim, which is 7 miles. And I don’t think I can physically do that yet. I have plenty of endurance but there’s a lot of up and down hill climbing.
  5. Someday I would like to hike Halfdome without dying.
  6. Did I mention I like hiking? (I know, right, wtf, who am I??)
  7. I think if I lose weight and work on my center of balance with the Wii Fit I will be less clumsy*.

Shallow but still legitimate reasons I want to do this:

  1. See above re: Anthopologie. 😛
  2. They stopped making my favorite jeans, goddamnit.
  3. A lot of knitting patterns are not sized for me, and it would be nice to make something according to pattern without having to do dreaded MATH.
  4. You’d use less yarn, too.
  5. My ass. Jesus Christ.

Ways in which I plan on accomplishing this:

  1. Use the Wii Fit at least 4 times a week for 30-60 minutes. This means on Mon/Tues/Thurs/Fri, and weekends if I feel like it (I usually go to the res on the weekends for a 3-mi walk). This means Wednesday is the only day off I get, which works because Wednesday seems to be the night that my board meetings are – I don’t get home from work until around 9 pm on those days, so after a long day like that I don’t want to do much of anything except watch TV. On Wednesdays I don’t have a meeting I go to Jason’s for dinner.
  2. Eat more fruits and vegetables (seems simple, but this will be hard.)
  3. Do more “natural” cooking – less out of cans and freezer stuff and more stuff I cook from natural ingredients.
  4. Learn to cook (hahaha) things that involve more vegetables and less gravy.
  5. Go low carb again. I liked no-carb (after the initial horror of the first three days) but with low carb you have more options to eat. Plus, an excuse to learn how to cook all those delicious meats I love to eat but have never learned to cook (steak, lamb, etc.)
  6. Get a couple vegetarian or vegan cookbooks and try out some of those recipes. I figure this would be a good way to get vegetables in me in a tasty manner. I am by no means a vegetarian however because I delight in the delicious flesh of beasts.
  7. Eat breakfast.
  8. Actually try out EA Active which is compatible with the Wii Fit board and also I have owned since June and never used. *ahem*

So, there you have it. Each Friday I am going to try to remember to post how my week went.

This week I did the Wii Fit Plus every day but Wednesday. I’m enjoying the new features to Plus, which I picked up at SUPER WALMART (land of a thousand dreams – which does not exist in the stupid San Francisco Bay Area… WHY DO I LIVE HERE, THERE IS NO SUPER WALMART) when I was down in the Los Angeles last weekend. If you already have the Wii Fit, I recommend this upgrade a lot, with the ability to customize workouts, and the new games are fun – especially (*nerd alert*) the Rhythm Kung Fu and marching band drum major one (and that’s a workout!). Old faves include the Advanced Step and Boxing.

So that’s what I am going to do. And I’m document the ups and downs here, every Friday.

*On Tuesday I tripped on nothing and borked my arm against a weird metal wall at the library. There was a strip of metal sticking out on the perpendicular along the length of the wall and I of course tripped right into the pointy end. I was wearing a sweater, and underneath the sweater, the metal piece severely bruised my arm and shaved off a layer of skin. I really think that if I hadn’t been wearing the sweater (which, btw, survived this unscathed, not sure how) it would have cut me rather deeply and I would have had to get another tetanus shot. As it is, it fucking hurts. I’m not mad at the library, but that could poke somebody’s eye out! I’m sending a letter this weekend because they need to know about this potential liability issue and get it fixed! I don’t want the library to get sued, you know?

Hearts Afire or I Love These Socks!

I almost always think that the latest pair of socks I make is my favorite.  And I do, certainly, have favorites. Last year’s Lizzie is definitely a fave, and the Popsicle socks I completed recently.

And these, which I finished maybe three (?) weeks ago but forgot to blog about – Hearts Afire, by a designer on Ravelry. Perhaps I should have chosen a more solid yarn, but I love the yarn, I love the pattern, I have no complaints.

Hearts Afire

 The yarn is Araucania Ranco Multy.  I love this yarn, with its rustic feeling and nice colors.  I have a couple more skeins (maybe four?) in my stash, which is great! The stitch definition is nice and I just like it in general.

 The pattern is well written and very pretty. It is written toe-up and I prefer top-down so I changed the pattern in that way and added two pattern repeats down the heel.  If it weren’t for such a well-written pattern I would not have been able to figure it out.  So, props!

 Hearts Afire

The weather has been iffy here lately – warm one day, cold the next, and it hailed yesterday! It’s been pretty chilly at night but I heard it’s supposed to get warmer… which I hate. But I have central air now, so this summer should be quite pleasant!

We had Easter at my house this year, and that marked the first social event I have had since I moved in.  (I think my friends were over when I first bought the place, but I remember a distinct lack of furniture… so that didn’t count.) Basically I was forced into major cleaning mode, and that kind of boiled down to shoving things in closets and a major clean-up… which ultimately resulted in a clean and fairly organized house! 

I don’t know what to think about that!

So, various and assorted things are coming up that I am looking forward to – this weekend a bead show in Oakland, my friend Julie is coming to visit from Biloxi at the end of the month, and the Maker’s Faire is in about a month.  I also have some irritating real-life things to take care of, like the broken toilet and taking my car in for scheduled maintenance.  I also had to pay taxes this year, and that really pissed me off.  Not to mention, I still have dental work to complete! yaargh.

Basically I should be more solvent by the end of the third fiscal quarter 2009. *sigh*

Here is a meme for your reading/stealing pleasure:

Sunday Stealing: Green Meme

1. What is your current obsession? Having/not having money.  And turnips on Animal Crossing. (Who has Animal Crossing for the Wii? Let’s be friends! So I can steal your fruit!)

2. What’s a good coffee place? My kitchen.  I brew coffee just the way I like it – strong enough to knock your socks off, then doctor it up into delicious honey latte territory.  I used to be big into Starbucks, but have totally lost interest; it’s not strong enough for me.

3. Who was the last person that you hugged? My grandma at Easter, I think.

4. Do you nap a lot? I nap whenever I get the chance.  I napped yesterday afternoon (knocked out by a combination of a headache, overall tiredness, and a tetnus shot), but as a result was awake until almost 1 a.m. Napping is best done on the weekends. 

5. Tonight, what’s for dinner? Some form of macaroni and cheese, and probably chicken.  Maybe a vegetable. (maybe.)

6. What was the last thing that you bought? I bought a bunch of books on Tuesday, but today I bought a ham/cheese/egg/english muffin at the downstairs bistro, because I was in need of protein.

7. What is your favorite weather? I hate most weather.  I love rainy weather – the type where you stay inside and listen to the rain and are cozy inside. Thunderstorms – love ’em.  But I hate being cold, being hot, being neither hot nor cold… I am not easy to please.  Probably 74 degrees and no humidity would be perfect weather for me.

8. Tell us something about one blogger who you think will play this week? What?

9. If you were given a free house that was fully furnished, where in the world would you like it to be? Either San Antonio, TX or Boston, Mass.

10. Name three things that you could not live without. My glasses, my (quality of life changing birth control) pills, and comfortable shoes.

11. What would you like in your hands right now? My pillow which means I could be at home and sleeeeeeping.

12. What’s one of your guilty pleasures? I like Mandy Moore.

13. What would you change or eliminate about yourself? I wish I had more (any) patience.

14. As a child, what type of career did you want? I still don’t know.  In high school I wanted to be a geologist, but once I started down that path in college I realized I didn’t really like science. I APPRECIATE science, but not enough to do it as a career.

15. What are you missing right now? Money.

16. What are you currently reading? Liberty & Tyranny: A Conservative Manifesto by Mark Levin. 

17. What do you fear the most? I really kinda worry that our country is headed towards socialism.

18. What’s the best movie that you’ve seen recently? Death Race.

19. What’s your favorite book from the past year? From the past year? I don’t know if I can choose. I really enjoyed the last two Jim Butcher books (the latest from each of his two series), and am currently HIGHLY enjoying Pride and Prejudice and Zombies!

20. Is there a comfort food from your childhood that you still enjoy? Sure, meatloaf or whatever. I like food.


I finished a pair of socks for my sister last night and I started a pair of socks for me out of the new Cookie A book.  So, at least I will have blog fodder later in the week. Or next week. Or whenever.

February Blues (and greens and pinks, etc.)

Well, February is flying by, which is nice – I want it to be spring!  But I also want it to rain a lot so we don’t get on water restriction, which it looks like we will. Wah. Though I am just one person, so I don’t think there will be too much to worry about, especially since my hot water heater does not support 45 minute showers (SADNESS) and I only have to do two or three loads of laundry a week.

Anyway, here is a meme courtesy of Jennifer, who gave me the letter S:

10 Favorite S Things
(if you want to play, comment and I’ll give you a letter!)

STITCHES WEST: I am super excited about the yearly fiber convention – I even took a vacation day at work to go on the first day!  While I never take any of the classes, I love the market floor.  This year, the usual suspects will be there (Webs, Blue Moon, etc.) but the booth I’m looking forward to the most is one I don’t believe has been there before: Malabrigo! My plans this year re: acquisition are as follows: I hope to score a couple of the Berroco booklets (+ Norah Gaughan #4) and some sparkly Berroco sock yarn at Webs, plus if they have their Franklin sock yarn, I really liked working with that, so it would be nice to pick some more of that up.  I am mostly in the market for sock yarn, in yellow, orange, blood red, and true blue. You’d think, looking at my yarn wall, that I’m set, but you would be wrong.

SUPERNATURAL: This is my favorite TV show right now.  I love Sam and Dean and their adventures.  Season 4 has had its problems, but it’s been pretty solid so far.  Too bad there are no new eps until March! *sob*

SAVIGNON BLANC: I’m sure I’ve had this wine before, but I’ve never bought it before, and thanks to the Valentine’s Day sale at Safeway, I scored a rather expensive (for me) bottle for a mere $6.  And, not being a wine conniouseur [sic] I can tell you that it is pretty tasty stuff.

SACRAMENTO: My favorite California city. Probably because it has copious yarn, beads, and friends! And is close to Placerville.

SAN ANTONIO: My favorite Texas city.  I mean, I did live there for five years for a reason, and that is because it is awesome. 

SOUP: I love soup.  I love potato soup, chicken noodle, vegetable, tortilla, lentil, tomato, whatever.  I eat soup almost every day.

STARBUCKS: While I’ve cut out about 90% of my Starbucks purchases since I bought the house (it really is a redonk expense), I do still love it, particularly the white chocolate mochas.  Thanks to Starbucks I learned the deliciousness of honey lattes, and now make my own, which leads me to…

SYRUP, TORANI: The Honey Vanilla Torani Syrup is a great add-on to your daily coffee.  If you have time, you can froth your own milk, but I don’t have time, so a bit of Coffee Mate and regular coffee brewed fresh along with about a tablespoon of the Honey Vanilla syrup (in lieu of any other sugar you might add) is a great way to start off your day – or end it.  I’ve enjoyed many cups of coffee late in the day with the honey vanilla in it and it’s soothing in that hot-chocolate kind of way. 

SOCKS: You guys know that my favorite thing to knit is socks. I currently have, like, four pairs on the needles right now.  This year, while I don’t have any particular plans (besides “knit copious socks, and also the second sock of the pair”) I do have plans to try out some of the new and wondrous yarn in my sweet, sweet stash, like Malabrigo Sock, Fleece Artist Trail… stuff I haven’t tried before. 

SCARVES: I actually really like wearing scarves, though I hate knitting them because they are boring. Also I have run into the problem of realizing that I really only like to knit with tiny little yarn (fingering weight and such).  Since I moved I lost a critical part of my knitting machine and was really peeved about it until Tuesday, when I opened one of the built-in cupboards in my craft room and there it was, where I suddenly remembered stashing it weeks ago.  I am my own worst enemy.  Anyway, so I had this brainwave where I knit the two ends of the scarf in a cool pointy lace pattern from Knitting On the Edge or Victorian Lace Today or something, and then hang it on the knitting machine and whip out the boring long part.  Now that I’ve found the knitting machine part (the part that, you know, moves along the machine putting the yarn on the hooks, hah!) I can make my dream of a lacy scarf (before Stitches of course) come true!

In related meme news:

You Should Be a Mechanic

You are logical, calm, and detail oriented.

You’re rational when things are chaotic, and for you, reason always prevails.

And while you are guided by logic, you aren’t a slave to it.

You’re flexible when it counts. You are always open to being wrong.You do best when you:

– Work with your hands

– Can use tools, machines, or equipment

You would also be a good architect or carpenter.